Thursday, February 22, 2007


Been in a slightly pissed off mood lately. Y'know sometimes you feel like you're one with the world, that you are in the 'zone' and can feel the heartbeat of the universe? When it's during one of those moments where everything feels right and you feel good? Well, what I'm feeling right now it pretty much the complete opposite from what I've just described.

I can't really put my finger to it. Looking at it in a completely factual manner, life has never been better! After about a year and a half in my current company, I'm no longer the FNG ('effing new guy for the completely clueless) and amazingly enough they trust me to fiddle around with live mobile networks and build from ground up a totally new mobile network. I know! What the heck were they thinking, eh? Haha! I've been going out way more than before too, whether clubbing or just hanging out. Ok, been getting a bit more intoxicated too but hey, it's fun! I'm also more active in my hobbies, reading more books and regularly going to gym. It looks like a balanced lifestyle but somehow I don't feel balanced.

Crap, I have no idea why I feel so restless. I need to chill...Heh, I've been listening to Disturbed quite often lately. Their music probably fits my mood the best right now. It's been a while since I've listened to metal/hard rock music. I think I'm going back to my rocker roots, at least for the time being. Last time I listened to anything this heavy, it was Metallica! Whoa, that was in secondary school!

One particular phrase keeps ringing in my head from a Disturbed song.

"Quivering now, shivering now, withering..."
- Want by Disturbed

PS: Check out the song and the band. Excellent music! It has a lot of anger, making it an excellent song to de-stress and also as gym music. I've already updated the MP3 playlist in my phone to play this band.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Really LAME jokes

What's the difference between a dog and a switch? One goes arf while the other goes ARP!
Why is RIP like a woman? 'Cos they both talk all the time!
Have you heard of OSPF women? They come in stubby, not so stubby and not stubby sizes!
Why is the Linux box very friendly with the Windows box? 'Cos they both do the samba!
What did one daemon say to the other when they're both fighting? Fork you!!
Why are the relationship between DNS servers considered kinky? 'Cos they practice a master-slave relationship!
What do the police and hard disks have in common? They both do RAIDs.

For the clincher, here's the lamest of them all!

What do switch ports and women have in common? When they're empty, they are "ready" and when they're filled, they are "active"!

PS: This blog post is dedicated to all engineers, who at one point in time or another, had to spend their night(s) stuck in a room with temperatures barely above freezing instead of hanging out with chicks. ;)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Clubbing oddity

On Saturday night, a friend of mine was having her birthday celebration at her place. The plan was to gorge ourselves on delicious food, then head out to Heritage Road for some fun. The food was very very good! Perfectly cooked beryani rice, mutton curry and stir-fried vegetables. I have to admit that I over indulged on the food...slightly! ;)

Anyway, after food we all headed to Bed, this club opposite Loft on Heritage Road. I have to admit, I've never heard of that place before. Turns out, Bed is a pretty decent place. I think Loft is more happening though. I dropped by Loft for a moment and the party was in full swing! While Bed is quite nice, it was a little bit sad when on the dance floor, the guys outnumber the girls. Next time it's a Saturday night and I feel like clubbing, I'm heading to Loft! They have better guy to girl ratio. ;)

Anyway, while chilling out at Bed I noticed that my friend managed to grab this Mat Salleh's attention. They were talking and dancing on the dance floor when outta the blue, I noticed that they seem to be gesturing to each other a lot. I was wondering, what the heck was going on but since she didn't seem to need any help, I let them be. Later, when I was at the dance floor, out of the blue she asked me who do I think is gonna win the Champions League. Was it Barcelona or Real Madrid? Of course, I answered Barcelona with no hesitation. Heh! I have to admit though that normally on the dance floor, those are not the sort of conversation I'd expect to be having!

Later on during the mamak session after clubbing,I got my curiosity satisfied. Apparently while dancing together, my friend and her Mat Salleh friend got into an argument about football, of all things! The dude was apparently a Spanish who's a staunch supporter of Barcelona while my friend is a Real Madrid supporter. Yeesh! Of all the things a guy and a girl can do on the dance floor, arguing about football was probably the last thing I'd expect them to do. This gets my vote as the oddest thing 2 people of the opposite gender can do while clubbing! Hahahahahahaha!