Friday, April 27, 2007

Langkawi, here I come!

W00t! I'm off to Langkawi! 3 days 2 nights of escape from the world. Heh, these days I look for whatever break I can find!

Will be back Monday, 30th April 2007.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A break between the storms, a moment of contentment

It was a long, tiring and stressful day at work today. I have to admit I didn't exactly manage to keep my coolness. Raised my voice a bit occasionally today and was swearing at the network a coupla times too. Must remember to keep my emotions in check. Sigh, damned fiery passion's getting the better of me! Typical Aries... Don't get me wrong. There were no shouting matches or anything like that but there there ain't no sea of calm too! Again, don't get me wrong. I might swear at the network but the core packet backbone network (my responsibility) hasn't been the culprit for any service disruptions yet. It's *my* network and by the time I hand it over to the network management team, it's gonna be bloody clean, easy to maintain and has no single point of failure. That's my Aries pride speaking, I guess... I really should be more humble. I can be such an arrogant bastard sometimes. Heh!

Reached home about 8 pm again. Was checking the news when I discovered that Kurt Vonnegut passed away yesterday, 11 April 2007. For those who don't know him, Kurt Vonnegut is widely regarded as one of the greatest authors in the 20th century. His famous books include "Cat's Cradle" and "Slaughterhouse-Five". He's one of the authors I keep hearing about but never read...until today. I guess when I heard that he passed away, I felt that I should at least *know* him by reading his works. I actually heard about him a few years ago when during a discussion about books and authors, one of my friends mentioned his name and gave a glowing recommendation to try out Vonnegut's works.

Hence, after dinner I went on the net to check out some of his works. I managed to grab a copy of "Cat's Cradle" and MAN! I was amazed by his writing! Brilliant prose! It's kinda hard to describe his style. It combines wit, satire and black humour. I'm looking forward to finding the time to read more of his works. I need to check with my bookstore owner cousin. I wonder if the store has Vonnegut's works... I plan to buy them all! :D

I'm a bookworm. Reading less in terms of quantity these days due to ever increasing work load but I'd like to think I'm reading more in terms of quality. My last books were Trudi Canavan's "Black Magician" trilogy and before that were the four books of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire". All in all, a pretty decent read though I enjoyed "A Song of Ice and Fire" over "Black Magician". "A Song of Ice and Fire" has a more gripping storyline and plot twists!

"Cat's Cradle" is an excellent book. I practically devoured the book. Finished it in about 3 hours!'s been a while since I've read such an excellent book! After I finished the book, I felt relaxed and at peace. Heh, one of those rare moments of contentment. It's been a while. I'm ready to face the world again. :)

As a tribute to this great author, let me end this blog posting with a poem about 'religion' by Kurt Vonnegut. All hail Bokononism!

I wanted all things
To seem to make some sense,
So we could all be happy, yes,
Instead of tense.
And I made up lies
So that they all fit nice,
And I made this sad world
A par-a-dise.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

YES!! I'm back!

After serving faithfully for the past 4 years or so, my computer died on Monday earlier this week. Well, to be more precise, it's either my motherboard or video card that died. I'm still not sure which. Doesn't really matter though. My computer's old and spare parts are very difficult to find sp I decided to buy new video card, processor, motherboard and RAM.

Ladies and gentlemen! Feast your eyes on the (important!) specs of my gaming machine!!

2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo processor
Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT

Please excuse me while I laugh maniacally in pleasure. :D

Besides oozing with pure g4m1ng l33tn355, I'm now connected to the Global Village (ie. da Internet!) again thanks to this baby! W00t! More pr0n and warez! Uh, I mean more 'educational' stuff and 'intellectual' growth and all that. ;)

On a totally unrelated subject, don't forget! Speedzone Tour 2007 rave party is on Saturday evening 07/04/2007 at KL Tower. The next evening is Kanye West concert at the National Stadium. See ya there!