Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bird shit...

I hate bird shit. Each time I go to Jasima (a mamak nearby my place) at night, the only parkings are all under the trees and those stupid birds sleeping in the trees shit all over my car. I mean, I don't shit when I sleep. Why the hell can't those birds extend the same courtesy?? Sigh...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Light at the end of the tunnel...

Woohoo! My packet core network is now connected to Internet! I'll be bringing up HSDPA feature by end of this week. Ahh...surfing at 2 mbps... I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I anticipate my project to finish by June, just in time for World Cup! :D

Man...after this project's over, I'm definitely looking for some time off. Hmm...maybe I'll go do my SCUBA license...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Gym, music and Neverwinter Nights.

Ahh...I'm finally back to the gym. Was insanely busy during April, was insanely sick 2 weeks ago and was insanely busy again last week. Hopefully now I'm back to my normal routine. I still plan to get my baywatch body before I go for my island holiday! Heh heh!

Y'know, going to gym is good. You sweat like hell and get tired like hell but at the end of it, you really do feel refreshed. With my current work schedule, I'm thinking of going to the gym in the morning rather than the evening. Of course, know my usual laziness, this plan will remain in the drawing board for a long time...

I also did something else that haven't done for a long time. I took my bro's amp (I know, I keep planning to buy my own but keep on postponing that), dusted of my extremely nice ESP custom guitar and played it for a bit. Ahh...the pleasure. Reminds me why I learned guitar in the first place (well...besides trying to impress some chick, I mean!). I jammed a bit with some bluesy pentatonic scales. Tried some major scale too but sadly I'm way rusty. I think I need to re-read my bloody scales book! Pentatonic is easy. 2 notes per string! The other scales is a little bit more complicated. Heh!

My guitar is simply amazing when it comes to rock sounds. Wonderful, wonderful pickups! Fat and chunky when doing power chords yet with a flick of a switch, pure clean sounds for those bluesy bits. I really need to buy some new equipment for my guitar. It deserves better! Hmm...a new 50 watt amp and a Zoom multi-effects board should do the trick! Oh wait, I need new cables too. I probably need to cut down on my spending for clubbing (hell, probably skip clubbing for a month or two!) but it's for a worthy cause. Next, I need to get the band back together. Mus, Ahmed, expect a call soon! Eh you guys, do we even have a bassist yet?

Lately, I've been playing Neverwinter Nights a lot. Heh, it's about the only way I can get my fix for D&D. Even after 4 years, that game is still amazing. Once you're done with all the official campaign (3 in total, including all the expansions), there are literaly THOUSANDS of user-created adventures available for free online. Some of the user-created adventures rival the official campaigns in terms of quality! I generally play as a sorcerer in the game but lately I've been playing as a weapon master. Heh, I simply love the blademaster concept by Robert Jordan in his Wheel of Time series. My current character now is this kickass greatsword specialist, a direct inspiration from the character Lan Mandragoran, the uncrowned King of Malkier, warder to Moiraine Damodred. Yes, I know. I'm a Wheel of Time fanboy. Heh!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Jeremy got married!

Recently, a close friend of mind got married. I think he's both braver than me and stupider! Haha! Seriously though, it was a cool wedding. The food was delicious and the wedding costumes beautiful and exotic. The ceremony was insanely boring though. It was freaking long! I was already a bit sleepy since I had to wake up early to go for the wedding. I have to admit my parents were shocked.
Y'see, I happen to belong this this religion where it's sacrilege to wake up before noon on public holidays. If I'm awake before 12 pm on holidays, I go to hell. For this wedding, I actually woke up at 8 am. Man, you won't believe what elaborate rituals I had to perform to cleanse myself of this grievious sin!

Anyway, there was I, one sleepy sucker in a rather long and tedious wedding ceremony, in another Malaysia state at 10 am. The wedding finished at around 2 pm. Apparently, Indian weddings are like this, very formal and very ceremonial for the next 4 hours. Man...if I had to go through an Indian wedding, I'd probably elope!

Anyway Jeremy, congratz on the wedding! You're a braver man than most of us, and I think luckier too. Not many wives I know tolerates a bunch of suckers hanging out at your place, getting drunk, eating pizza and watching a stupid action movie! Cheers, mate! Tell me when you guys are expecting a baby. I really hope to the kid takes after the mother rather than you. God knows you're such an ugly bastard! Heh!